official website of MEMO 2010
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Individual competition

day: Saturday, Sept. 11th
time: 09:00 – 14:00

The individual competition will take place in the classrooms n. 109, 110 and in the congress hall. Find your room first. Take a look at your name tag to learn your number. Check also the lists at the room entrances. You must wear your name tag.

The regulations for the competition are the same as always. Read the MEMO regulations to see more, especially the section "5. Competitions". In particular, you can take pens, pencils, rulers and compasses into the room. You cannot take papers nor electronic devices (including cell phones, calculators and music players). Consult with organizers about taking mascots or food and drinks. Do not bring any backpacks nor non-transparent bags into the contest rooms. Instead, use the transparent bag (provided in your MEMO welcome pack) for all the equipment you bring for the contest.

In your room, find your place. You have to find the place with your personal folder. There is a label with your name on the folder. Do not open the folder before you are called to do that!

After the start, you have 60 minutes to ask questions concerning the problems, if you have any. Use the question form to write the question and then raise your hand. Think twice before sending the question to avoid unnecessary "NO COMMENT" answers and ask clear questions to be sure the answer will not confuse you.

The contest takes 5 hours. There are 4 problems. Fill the header on each paper you use. Do not use one paper for two different problems. Do not write on the reverse side of the paper.

At the end, put all you want to submit for marking into the corresponding folder (one folder for each problem: I-1 – yellow, I-2 – red, I-3 – green, I-4 – blue). Sort the pages by page number for each problem. Do not fold the papers to avoid scanning issues. Put all four folders inside the bigger violet folder with your name on it. Leave the folder on the table. Take your belongings and the paper with problem statements with you. Leave blank papers, cards, question forms and papers you do not want to submit for marking on the table outside of the folder. Proceed to have a lunch immediately.

Classroom 109
CroatiaHRV2, HRV3
Czech RepublicCZE1, CZE2
GermanyGER5, GER6
HungaryHUN5, HUN6
LithuaniaLTU1, LTU2
PolandPOL2, POL3
SwitzerlandSUI4, SUI5
Classroom 110
AustriaAUT2, AUT3
Czech RepublicCZE3, CZE4
HungaryHUN3, HUN4
LithuaniaLTU3, LTU4
SlovakiaSVK5, SVK6
SloveniaSVN5, SVN6
Congress hall
AustriaAUT4, AUT5, AUT6
CroatiaHRV4, HRV5, HRV6
Czech RepublicCZE5, CZE6
GermanyGER1, GER2, GER3
HungaryHUN1, HUN2
LithuaniaLTU5, LTU6
PolandPOL4, POL5, POL6
SlovakiaSVK1, SVK2, SVK3
SloveniaSVN1, SVN2, SVN3
SwitzerlandSUI1, SUI2, SUI3

Contestant Room
AUT1 Classroom 109
AUT2 Classroom 110
AUT3 Classroom 110
AUT4 Congress hall
AUT5 Congress hall
AUT6 Congress hall
CZE1 Classroom 109
CZE2 Classroom 109
CZE3 Classroom 110
CZE4 Classroom 110
CZE5 Congress hall
CZE6 Congress hall
GER1 Congress hall
GER2 Congress hall
GER3 Congress hall
GER4 Classroom 110
GER5 Classroom 109
GER6 Classroom 109
HRV1 Classroom 110
HRV2 Classroom 109
HRV3 Classroom 109
HRV4 Congress hall
HRV5 Congress hall
HRV6 Congress hall
HUN1 Congress hall
HUN2 Congress hall
HUN3 Classroom 110
HUN4 Classroom 110
HUN5 Classroom 109
HUN6 Classroom 109
LTU1 Classroom 109
LTU2 Classroom 109
LTU3 Classroom 110
LTU4 Classroom 110
LTU5 Congress hall
LTU6 Congress hall
POL1 Classroom 110
POL2 Classroom 109
POL3 Classroom 109
POL4 Congress hall
POL5 Congress hall
POL6 Congress hall
SUI1 Congress hall
SUI2 Congress hall
SUI3 Congress hall
SUI4 Classroom 109
SUI5 Classroom 109
SUI6 Classroom 110
SVK1 Congress hall
SVK2 Congress hall
SVK3 Congress hall
SVK4 Classroom 109
SVK5 Classroom 110
SVK6 Classroom 110
SVN1 Congress hall
SVN2 Congress hall
SVN3 Congress hall
SVN4 Classroom 109
SVN5 Classroom 110
SVN6 Classroom 110