The start station of the cable car is located in Vrátna (736 m above sea level). The final station in Snilovské sedlo is 1490 m above sea level. The ride takes 6 minutes. In Snilovské sedlo you can enjoy Panorama Restaurant or you can take a walk to one of the following destination:
• Veľký Kriváň (1709 m) - the highest peak of Malá Fatra
• Chleb (1646 m) - a little bit closer than Veľký
Kriváň, nice view at the top;
• chata pod Chlebom - a little cottage with another restaurant.
All these three places can be achieved within 30 minutes from Snilovské sedlo, but count the same time for returning back.
After satisfying by the view and the walks, you can enter the cable car for riding down to Vrátna. Do not lose the ticket for the cable car! The buses will leave Vrátna at 15:00, so plan your walks and rides accordingly. Stay close to the guides all the time.